Women’s day special

Do girls really score less in PTE !!!

BREAKING THE MYTH with  IELTS and PTE Tutorials, Brisbane Pty. Ltd


The willingness to listen

The patience to understand

The strength to support

A heart to care and the determination to conquer the world

That’s what makes a woman  

Ladies …

The world is out there waiting for you and you

are the queen, you might not wear a tiara but you are the one.

You own this universe and nothing can stop you from achieving your dreams.

You score less in PTE speaking ???

Trust me it’s a misnomer…..

Firstly let me elaborate the facts to you

PTE is a computer-based test and these machines (computers) are progra

mmed with sound/voice recognition technologies and are more sensitive to various notations or pitches of sound.  And women are biologically equipped with a different pitch than men

We are generally more soft-spoken and tend to speak in a lower volume

During the exam initially, women tend to consciously speak loud and pay attention to annotations but eventually, the tempo goes down leading to a decline in performance

   We here at   IELTS and PTE Tutorials, Brisbane Pty. Ltd help you to identify your strengths and weaknesses and with a team  of proficient instructors help to achieve your dreams

So come n join us at IELTS and PTE Tutorials, Brisbane Pty. Ltd 

And choose to shine……….